Speaker Requests

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Announcement: Only Sponsored Keynotes Remaining

Due to overwhelming demand, all speaking spots for upcoming TECHSPO Technology Expos programs have been filled. The ONLY remaining speaking opportunities must be combined with a Sponsorship. Please do not submit a Speaker Submission unless you are interested in Sponsoring your Keynote Presentation.

Call For Speakers

Interested in speaking at a TECHSPO Technology Expo? You’re in the right place. We are always looking to be at the forefront of the industry with the highest quality content. We review hundreds of submissions for each show, so here are some hints and tips to help your submission(s) stand out and boost your chances of being selected.

What We’re Looking For

Submit Your Proposal

Please read the speaker guidelines below before submitting a proposal.

  • Fresh and Innovative Perspectives

    We are always keen to present fresh and unique content at TECHSPO Technology Expos. Please don’t submit the same presentations that have been done several other times at other digital technology events.

  • High-level Strategies

    It is important to hear key strategic thinking from thought leaders in the industry. This forms great content for our agenda.

  • Tactics and Takeaways

    Keep in mind that our attendees are looking for tangible takeaways that they can implement when returning to the office.

  • Hot Topics and New Takes on an Existing Topic

    As you all know, this industry is constantly changing and evolving, so we want to ensure that the TECHSPO agenda features the hottest topics. Submitting new topic ideas or a new take on an existing topic is always a winner.

  • Don’t Pitch Products or Services

    This is probably the most important point about participating as a speaker. Attendees come to TECHSPO Technology Expos to hear unbiased presentations and we do not tolerate pitches for any kind of product or service. Please keep your abstract and presentation focused purely on education. Being a speaker at TECHSPO and showcasing your thought leadership on the subject you are presenting is truly the best advertisement for your business.

  • Focus on the “How To’s”, not the “Why’s”

    We are looking for speakers to spend their time on the stage explaining how to make the most out of the topic they are presenting rather than spending their time telling attendees why that topic is important.

  • Pitfalls to Avoid

    Our attendees also love learning about what not to do, or how other organizations learned from their mistakes.

  • Case Studies

    Our attendees love to hear how other businesses have approached a key challenge. Any case studies or examples that you can present will always go well at TECHSPO Technology Expos and be looked at favorably in the speaker selection process.

  • Videos of Previous Speaking Gigs

    There is nothing better than being able to see you as a speaker in action at another event! Provide a video link in your submission to work your way to the top of the speaker list.

  • Bio and Abstract Formats

    Bios and abstracts must be written in 3rd person as it would be listed on our website. Even if you are making a proposal for an existing session that already has an abstract, you MUST provide an abstract with your submission detailing what content you would bring to that session. Our preferred format for abstracts is a few lines followed by a few bullet points listing the takeaways and what attendees will learn from the session.

We begin reviewing submissions and notifying speakers during the months leading up to an event, so don’t wait until the last minute to submit.

Speaker Submissions

After you have read the Speaker Guidelines and Speaker Submission FAQ’s, please submit a proposal via our Speaker Submission Form.

Submit a Speaker Request

Contact Us

If you have questions on any of the points above or would like to talk more regarding becoming a speaker at a TECHSPO Technology Expo, please contact us and we will be happy to discuss these with you!

Good luck and we hope to see you at the next TECHSPO Technology Expo soon!

Aaron Polmeer – aaron[at]techspo.co (replace at with @)


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